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Bishop Reginald S. Givins, Sr.

Pastor / Teacher

Reginald was born and raised in Los Angeles, California where he received Jesus Christ as his Lord & Savior at the age of 15 years old and became a member of the Los Angeles Church of God under the leadership of Pastor James Hill.  

He was a faithful member there for over 30 years where he served as Custodian, Adult Sunday School Teacher, Church Treasuer, Choir President, Musician, Bible Study Teacher, and Assistant Pastor.  

In 1994 Reginald met Professor Larry J. Lloyd and began a journey of higher education at International Seminary and completed his Bachelor's of Theology.

Reginald was licensed and ordained under Church of God California/Neveda Region and in 2006 he established Word of Truth Church Ministries where he serves as Senior Pastor. Reginald retired from the City of Long Beach as a Construction Supervisor with 31 1/2 years of service. He is the father of four adult children and has seven grandchildren.

In 2007 he married is life partner Lady Lorie Givins and he was consecrated to Bishopunder the Church of God in Christ United and the Word of Truth California Jurisdiction was established. Bishop Givins serves as the Jurisdictional Prelate for all of California.

In September 2011 being led of the Lord, he and First Lady relocated Word of Church to the City of Long Beach, changed the name to Word of Truth Community Worship Center and began the Youth Enrichment Academy and Anchor's of Hope Outreach Ministries

In 2013 Bishop Reginald Givins was elevated and appointed Chairman of the Board of Bishop's for the Churches of God In Christ United. In 2020 Bishop Givins was appointed the Chairman of the Executive Board and in 2021 he was appointed as 1st Assistant to the Senior Bishop for the Church of God In Christ United all over the world.

Bishop Givins received his Doctorate in Ministry and is continuing his education currently working to complete his Ph.D. He is an awesome Teacher, Preacher and guitar player and his desire is to simply build the Kingdom of God!

Bishop Givins believes in the Truth of God's word and wants people to Learn the Word, Love the Word, and Live the Word. 

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

(John 8:32)

A Refuge of Love, Healing and Redemption

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